About the project

SolidARTbrary ( Solidarity through art and human library) is a project funded by the Erasmus+ Adult Education programme. The project aims to promote tolerance, solidarity and social inclusion through the development of competences of educators, multipliers and creators of “patterns of behaviour and action” in the field of adult education.

The Story of the project

There was an experience
We used everything what we experienced and learnt in the past, to create something fresh and new, that combines our expertise and what will help to work with patterns wire complexive and holistic even for those people and institutions who do not have such a strong educational background.

We felt the need
The work has just started. Stay with us to spread the common aim of all of us – Let’s make the Story of the World as good as possible for every person, animal and flower.

We believe in synergies and cooperation. Without that, the World will be a dark place. So, thank you! All of you, you helped us.

We did the change
During the project, a lot of things changed. We applied before COVID-19 existed, so we needed to adapt our plan according to the limitations. Except that, we were trying to prepare the methodology as much as we could to be used after that limitations, following the aims, fulfilling the needs we identified.

See the main results of the project


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Story Café je na světě!

SolidARTbrary (Solidarity through art and human library) je projekt financovaný programem Erasmus+ Vzdělávaní dospělých. Projekt cílí na podporu tolerance, solidarity a sociální inkluze skrze rozvoj kompetencí vzdělavatelů, multiplikátorů a tvůrců ,,vzorců chování a jednání“ v oblasti vzdělávání dospělých.


Mezinárodní WS v rámci projektu PEAS

V rámci mezinárodního projektu PEAS byl ve dnech 25. 8. - 31. 8. 2017 realizován již 2. workshop, během něhož jsme vytvořili vzdělávací kurz v tématu Finanční management pro začínající podnikatele a start upy.



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